
Influence the fabric of your community through civic engagement, community organizing or providing vital social services to those in need. 这包括公立和私立教育的职业, social work, 辅导/辅导及青少年发展, as well as administration of organizations that provide these types of services. 在Handshake上寻找工作和实习机会.



Nemnet aspires to be the premier resource in the recruitment of teachers, 有色人种的管理人员和教练.
马萨诸塞州教师协会 -大多数州都有类似的招聘协会, 国家教育新闻, 专业发展资源.
SchoolSpring and Teachers-Teachers.com -受欢迎的教学和行政工作网站.
全国独立学校协会(NAIS) - Visit the Career Center for job openings.
全国公立特许学校联盟 - Learn about the charter school movement, and check out the job board for openings.

Teach-Now.com offers a nine-month post-baccalaureate teacher preparation certificate program and multiple 12-month master’s degree programs. 

Higher Education

HigherEdJobs.com - College and university administrative, staff, and faculty positions.
高等教育编年史 - The latest news in higher education, job postings, and more.

NASPA 学生事务管理员 就业交换 招聘板和资源


教育交流委员会(CIEE) Long-standing programs which place students in teaching positions abroad.

联合世界书院 brings together young people from all backgrounds inspiring them to become agents of positive change
国际语言学院 - Northampton-based language and teacher training program.

NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the leading organization committed to international education and exchange

Library & Archives

美国图书馆协会 ALA认证项目, education options, scholarships, 图书馆事业, 在线学习和更多.

档案及记录协会 - In the UK & Ireland what a career in archives entails, the skills and qualifications you need.

信息科学协会 & Technology

美国档案工作者协会 - Career Center - Job and internship search and alerts and career learning center.


Library journal

马萨诸塞州图书馆委员会委员 - Search Massachusetts library jobs by region, education required, full-time/part-time, etc.

Experiential & 非正式教育


NOLS is a nonprofit global wilderness school that seeks to help you step forward boldly as a leader.



Social Science

社会科学协会联合会 —社会科学协会的集合.

全国社会科学协会 - one of the largest interdisciplinary educational associations in the United States.

社会科学历史协会 - an interdisciplinary group of scholars that shares interests in social life and theory; historiography, 以及历史和社会科学的方法论.

NetImpact Net Impact已经发展成为一个草根组织, global movement of students and emerging impact leaders who want to use their skills to make a positive impact for people and planet.

80,000Hours This job board lists publicly advertised vacancies that we think could help those with the right fit have a positive impact. Some of these roles help tackle some of the world’s most pressing problems, while others help people build the career capital they might need to have a big impact later.





环境保护署 job board

350.org We believe in a safe climate and a better future — a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people. 


Food Systems

Good Food Jobs

可持续农业教育协会 promoting the teaching and learning of sustainable agriculture. 资源和招聘板


Farm to Plate


ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union was founded in 1920 and is our nation's guardian of liberty. 美国公民自由联盟在法庭上工作, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

黑人的命也是命基金会 在美国是一个全球性的组织吗, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the largest and most pre-eminent civil rights organization in the nation. 

人权观察 investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world.

美国妇女协会 是一个全国性的组织致力于召集会议吗, connecting, and amplifying voices in the fight for full gender equity

Human Services

国家人类服务组织 - Meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life.
HSCareers.com -你的人力服务工作来源, 社会服务工作, Social Work Jobs, Non-Profit Jobs, 心理健康工作, 和行为健康工作.
马萨诸塞州卫生与公众服务部 -马萨诸塞州代理信息和 job vacancies. Google other states to check their departments of health and human services
SocialService.com - Jobs for social workers and other social service professionals in a variety of fields and locations.

美国红十字会 and United Way - Large multi-national agencies in the Human Services field


Americorps 提供多种服务机会, 从教室到户外, and everything in between to work toward the greater good. 

Ashoka envisions a world in which everyone is a changemaker: a world where all citizens are powerful and contribute to change in positive ways.

BRAC  empowers people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice.

Oxfam 致力于终结贫困带来的不公.

The Peace Corps is a service opportunity for motivated changemakers to immerse themselves in a community abroad, working side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation.

World Learning works globally to enhance the capacity and commitment of individuals, institutions, 并创造一个更加和平的社区, 通过教育来实现这个世界, 可持续发展, and exchange.

档案浓度 students learn about the institutions and repositories that shape our knowledge and understanding of our collective pasts through the collection, preservation, 文物的解释和展示, 历史遗迹的手稿和再现.

社区参与 & 社会变革集中度 students combine interdisciplinary coursework and practical work in communities to expand and deepen your understanding of local, 影响社区的国家和全球问题.

翻译研究 Translation is the oldest method used in teaching foreign languages.

The 澳门葡京博彩软件奖学金计划 advises Smith students and recent alumnae who wish to apply for competitive national and international fellowships.

Graduate & 专业学校 这是你的下一步吗?

Student Clubs & Organizations 








advocacy, 社区外展/组织, counseling, 环境可持续性, 医疗权益, 人权/社会正义, philanthropy, social work, 教学/教育改革, 青年发展

or any other area related to education and nonprofit missions.

Going Places

Toni Woods ’22

Toni Woods '22 plans to use her minor in Africana Studies to assist with what she teaches and how she teaches.

Charlie Diaz ’22

Charlie Diaz ’22, one of the first recipients of a Smith Alliance for Justice and Equity Fellowship, 学会了成为变革者意味着什么.

Greta Mundt ’21

Greta Mundt ’21 has assisted with research to update Smith’s Landscape Master Plan.
