
性别 & 不正当的性行为


澳门葡京博彩软件致力于维护一个没有歧视的环境, 包括干扰安全的骚扰, 幸福, 或任何社区成员的学术或工作经验. 所有员工都要负责阅读, 理解并遵守本政策, 哪一项适用于涉及员工作为投诉当事人的指控.

校园或其他与大学就业有关的环境中的性骚扰是非法的, 同时也是不道德的, 也不会被容忍. 学院将对性骚扰投诉迅速作出回应, 和, 在哪里确定发生了性骚扰, 是否会及时采取行动,消除这些行为,并采取必要的纠正措施, 包括适当的纪律处分. 这一政策适用于学院的就业. 本政策适用于未在学院的其他规定涵盖的涉嫌行为 不当性行为临时政策.

While this policy sets forth the college’s goal of promoting a work environment that is free from sexual harassment, the policy is not designed or intended to limit the college’s authority to discipline or take remedial action for conduct that the college deems inappropriate or unacceptable, 不管这种行为是否符合骚扰的法律定义.


联邦和州法律都规定并禁止职场性骚扰. 在马萨诸塞州, 性骚扰的法律定义如下:“性骚扰”是指性挑逗, 性请求:在下列情况下要求性恩惠和具有性性质的言语或身体行为:

  1. 对这种进步的屈服或拒绝, requests or conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or is used as a basis for employment decisions; or
  2. 这样的进步, requests or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance by creating an intimidating, 充满敌意的, 侮辱性或性侵犯性的工作环境.

根据这些定义, 主管的直接或暗示的要求, 教授, 运动教练或训练师, or other individual responsible for work evaluations for sexual favors in exchange for actual or promised job or academic benefits constitutes sexual harassment. 福利包括学术作业, 研究的机会, 有利的评论和建议, 加薪, 促销活动, 增加福利和继续就业.

性骚扰可能发生在同性之间,也可能发生在性取向不同的个体之间. The same st和ards that apply to harassment between individuals of the opposite sex apply to harassment involving individuals of the same sex.

性骚扰的法律定义很宽泛, 和, 除了上面的例子, 其他性取向行为也可能构成性骚扰. 无论是否由从事该行为的人有意为之, 以性为导向的行为是不受欢迎的,并且会造成一个充满敌意的环境, 进攻, 基于性对他人进行恐吓或羞辱也可能构成性骚扰.


作为一个学术机构, 教学, 做研究, 和 learning are subject to the protections of ‘academic freedom’ as described in the college’s policy on academic freedom. (详见本政策末尾的相关事项.) Actions or words used in the context of the academic curriculum 和 教学 environments that serve legitimate 和 reasonable educational purposes will not be evaluated as sexual harassment or other unlawful discrimination because of the principles underlying academic freedom.


虽然不可能列出构成性骚扰的所有情况, the following are some examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment depending upon the totality of the circumstances, 包括行为的严重性和普遍性:


威胁或暗示某人的工作, 工资, 促销的机会, classroom work assignments or other conditions of employment or academic life may be adversely affected by not submitting to sexual advances;

  • 传播色情语音邮件, 电子邮件, 短信, 图形, 下载材料, 社交媒体或网站的形式;
  • 不受欢迎的性蔑称, 性的笑话, 对性行为的书面或口头提及, 关于性生活的八卦;
  • 对个人性行为发表不受欢迎的评论;
  • 展示性暗示物品、图片或漫画;
  • 不受欢迎的抛媚眼、性行为或性手势;
  • 对他人性经历的不受欢迎的询问;
  • 不受欢迎地谈论某人的性活动;

通过影响工作场所的骚扰行为,为他人创造一个充满敌意的环境, 或者教学或研究环境, 或者影响其他人竞争研究机会的能力, 学术或工作任务, 补偿, 和/或就业福利. 除了上述行为之外, 上司和下属之间的恋爱关系(即使是双方自愿的)可能会造成敌对的环境.

视乎整体情况及投诉的性质而定, the fact that a relationship began as a consensual relationship may NOT be a defense to a claim of sexual harassment.


An individual who believes they have  been subjected to sexual harassment is advised to make it clear to the offender that such behavior is 进攻. Early informal methods are often effective in correcting questionable behavior or resolving incidents of possible harassment.

把这件事立即提请主管注意, 董事机会均等与合规, 负责公平和包容的副主席, 社会工作学院院长, 副教务长, 负责人力资源的副总裁, or the assistant director of human resources the college can assure that prompt efforts will be made to help assess the situation, 确定哪些是非正式步骤是必要的.


如果你有监督的责任, 学术系主任和管理人员也是如此, 并向您报告可能的骚扰或其他违反本政策的行为, 作出报告的人是否受到个人影响, 你必须立即通知主任机会均等. 该报告将导致对如何最好地作出反应的评估,并可包括非正式决议, 干预, 或提交正式投诉(见下文).

If you are a faculty member who receives information from a person who believes that they are being or have been sexually harassed your obligation is to consult with 董事机会均等与合规/第九条 coordinator, 教务长, 或者是负责公平和包容的副总统. Be aware that the complainant’s interest in confidentiality 和 the reputation of 被申请人 are of equal importance at every stage of considering information shared.  视乎整体情况及投诉的性质而定, 尤其是如果原告是学生的话, 信息可能必须与平等机会主任/第九条协调员共享.


An individual who believes that they have  been subjected to harassment may file a formal complaint with the college. 这可以通过书面或口头方式与第九章临时协调员联系来完成

如果第九章临时协调员不在或情况更合适, 信访可以向下列人员之一提出:

  • 公平和包容副总裁(413)585-2141
  • 人力资源助理副总裁(413)585-2260 
  • 社会工作学院院长(413)585-7977
  • 副教务长(413)585-3000
  • 校园安全主任(413)585-2490

These individuals are also available to discuss any concerns related to sexual harassment 和 to provide information about the college’s policy on harassment 和 its complaint process.


当学院收到正式投诉时, 董事机会均等与合规/第九条 coordinator or their designee will investigate the complaint allegations in a prompt 和 thorough manner. 调查员将通过采访当事人收集相关信息, 其他证人和审查文件. 

所有员工和学生应充分合作,努力调查和执行这一政策. 当学院完成调查后, 我们会将调查结果告知投诉人, 被申请人, 以及其他相关人员.


学院认为保密是非常重要的. 为调查和解决投诉而采取的所有行动都应尽可能保密, 自由裁量权, 在不影响调查的彻底性和公正性的前提下,尽可能保密. All persons involved in an investigation are expected to treat the process with respect 和 to hold information confidentially. 有关个人投诉及其处理的信息将仅在“需要知道”的基础上共享.

然而, even informal efforts to end harassment may require that an accused harasser learn of the identity of the complainant. The college will work closely with parties to ensure their ability to continue to work during all stages of h和ling an informal or formal complaint of sexual harassment.


如果确定员工有性骚扰或其他不当行为, 学院将根据情况采取适当的措施.  这种行为可能包括书面警告, 需要咨询, 缓刑, 悬架, 或终止, 它可能包括其他形式的纪律处分, 只要学院认为合适. 同样的, if it is determined that a complainant invoked the investigatory process in bad faith or knowingly presented false or misleading information, 可采取适当的纪律处分.


Retaliation against any individual for making a good faith complaint formally or informally of sexual harassment or for assisting in good faith in the investigation of such a complaint is prohibited. 一切报复行为都要受到纪律处分.  Individuals who believe they have been subject to retaliation should immediately report their concerns to the Director of Equal Opportunity 和 Compliance.


The college provides regular sexual harassment awareness 和 response training programs for supervisors 和 individuals identified with responsibilities in this policy. 另外, the college informs the community about what constitutes sexual harassment 和 our moral 和 ethical commitment to ending sexual harassment.


除了以上, an individual who believes he or she has been subjected to harassment may file a formal complaint with government agencies with jurisdiction.  Using the college’s complaint process does not prohibit an individual from filing a complaint with any of these agencies. 向MCAD或EEOC提出的索赔必须在涉嫌违规之日起300天内提出.


(617) 994-6000

Springfield, MA 01103
(413) 739-2145

U. S. 平等就业机会委员会(eeoc)
(617) 565-3200